Friday, September 11, 2009

Dog Pound!
Each Friday our class gets to visit the Highland Dog Pound, coordinated by Mrs. Becky Honeycutt (Family Resource Director). We earn points throughout the week for our good behavior. We lose points when we pull sticks for breaking the rules. When reach 30 points, we are a "Big Dog" and we get to choose an item from the Dog Pound. Students can choose from toys, snacks, clothing, books, and shoes. If we earn 25-29 points, we are "Lil' Pups" and we get to choose from smaller prizes, like pencils, candy, and small toys. We LOVE visiting the Dog Pound! Here we are on Friday, September 11 showing off our Dog Pound prizes!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Saturday, September 5, 2009

On Friday, September 4, we had a guest speaker who taught our class all about germs and how to keep them away. Here we are learning how to properly wash our hands.

Next we rubbed a special lotion on our hands that had pretend germs. We then washed our hands just like we had learned. Our guest speaker put our hands under a blacklight to see if we washed our hands like we were supposed to. If we didn't, the special lotion would show up as white spots on our hands. Most of us did a fantastic job!

Here we are rubbing in the lotion.