Thursday, September 30, 2010

Position Word Movie...featuring OUR CLASS!

I am in the process of completing my Masters degree at Lindsey Wilson College in Columbia. I am currently taking a technology course in which one of my recent assignments was to make a movie. I chose to tie the movie into our Kindergarten math curriculum. Since we were working on position words this week in math, I chose to have the students help me by modeling position words like "next to, in front of, between, etc." I took several pictures of them modeling these words and edited them into a position word movie. I had a former student, who is now in first grade, help "narrate" the movie. We will be watching the movie in class to help us remember our position words.
Our students made excellent actors and actresses. Check out the movie below!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Reading Stations and Activities

Blake shows off his "Tt" turtle...

...and he finds the letter "m" on the picture card...

Kaden reads about tadpoles in our classroom library...

Science Experiment!

We love doing science experiments! We read "Mouse Paint" and talked about mixing primary colors. Then we made predictions and tested them with water and food dye.
Here is Regan mixing blue and yellow water to make GREEN WATER!

Malachi just made orange water by mixing red and yellow water!

Ryan's Birthday!

We celebrated Ryan's 5th Birthday on Friday, September 10. His actual birthday was Saturday, September 11. We enjoyed baseball cupcakes in the cafeteria after singing "Happy Birthday" to Ryan.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Harlem Wizards visit Highland!

That's right! The Harlem Wizards came to visit Highland Elementary School this morning! They stopped by to show us some basketball tricks and personally invite us to their game at Glasgow High School Monday night at 7pm. The Wizards took on the "Glasgow Dream Team" which was made up of Glasgow teachers, administrators, parents, and alumni. Check out the videos below:

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Reading Stations

During reading, the students rotate to a variety of "stations". Every day, each student works with Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Vibbert for 15 minutes each, they work on the computer for 15 minutes, and they do independent desk work for 15 minutes. In the remaining 15 minutes, they work at stations such as the listening station (CD audio books), Leap Frog Tag Reading station, Read and Write the Room Station (students find and write words in the room that begin with our letter of the week), Library (free reading in our classroom library), and the ABC Station.
Below, Dalton is working at the ABC station. He copied the words "the", "red", and "blue". Students can also use letter magnets to spell our high-frequency words on the refrigerator or filing cabinet.

Science Experiments!

We learned about scientists and science experiments! The first science experiment that we conducted was "Sink or Float". We had a variety of items (golf balls, empty water bottles, rocks, pencils, leaves) that we first predicted whether or not they would sink or float. We then tested our predictions and recorded our observations. We had a lot of fun being scientists...we even got to wear special "Super Scientist" badges!

Dog Pound!

Students with great behavior earn a trip to the Highland Dog Pound on Fridays where they get to choose from a variety of rewards.
Mitchell and Dominick earned some neat prizes for their great behavior.

Our class searching high and low for the perfect reward.


Check out some pictures from recess...

Brotherly Love: Dawson & Jayden

Regan & Elliott

Ryan & Trinton

Monday, September 13, 2010

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Yes they do come up with some funny things. Here are some recent quotes sure to make you laugh, straight from the mouths of the students in your child's classroom:
Miles: "I know how to write the number 500. I also know that 1,000 is a 1 and a zero and a zero and another zero. My dad taught me."
Mrs. Morgan: "Here's how you write the number 5,000. Now you can go home and tell dad how to write it."
Miles: "Well I think my dad probably already knows how to write the number 5,000."
Mitchell: "Mrs. Morgan, you should NEVER talk to strangers or clowns!"
Dawson: "My shoe is untied."
Mrs. Morgan: "What do you want me to do about it?" (joking)
Dawson: "Well you're the one who knows how to tie shoes, not me!"