Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Buddy Reading with 5th Grade

In celebration of Read Across America for Dr. Seuss' birthday, we paired up with a fifth grade class to read our favorite Dr. Seisd books. 

Read Across America

March 2 is Dr. Seuss' birthday and we are celebrating all week long! Monday we read "The Cat in the Hat" and wore hats to school. We also made sight word Cat in the Hat hats with sights words that were tricky for each individual student. Tuesday we read "Fox in Socks" and wore silly socks to school. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Welcome Home State BETA Champs!

We got to welcome home our state BETA champs this afternoon. The BETA students had a police escort back to HES and the entire Highland family was cheering in the parking lot as they arrived home. The talent at Highland Elementary is unbelievable!

WKU College Visit

Highland Kindergarten made a college visit to WKU-Glasgow campus this week!  We wanted to let our students, even as Kindergartners, understand that college is an attainable goal for all of them. We learned about different careers, visited college classrooms, and toured the campus.