Sunday, April 19, 2015

Kindergarten Career Day: Future Veterinarians

Thank you Dr. Heltsley for making spending time with these future veterinarians.  You made their day!
That's an owl!

Checking out a snake.


Thank you!

More Career Day Photos!

Here are a few more photos from our Kindergarten Career Day.  These are photos of our future botanist, preacher, artists, and moms.  Thank you to the community members who came to support these students by teaching them about their jobs.

Young Author

Karli made her own Pigeon book (Mo Willems style) at home and shared it with the class today. Great job, Karli!

We Are Star Readers!

When my students learn all of their kindergarten sight words, Dr. Allen presents them with a blue Star Reading bracelet which shows that they are reading on grade level.

Great Poetry Race

Way to go TiZyan and Abby for getting 39 & 41 signatures this week!

Leader in Me Tree

I finally completed our Leader in Me tree in our classroom complete with the seven habits on canvas!

Thanks PJ's!

Thank you PJ's Cosmetology for providing free haircuts to our students before picture day tomorrow!