Saturday, December 19, 2009
Christmas Around the World Trip!
Polar Express!
The Kindergarten teachers lined up our chairs in the hallway while we weren't looking. While we were in our room working on sequencing the things that happened in the story, we heard train whistle all of a sudden! Next we heard a man yell, "All Aboard!". We were so excited. We grabbed our Polar Express train tickets and boarded the train! (The lights were even off in the hallway so it seemed like nighttime, just like in the book.) Once aboard, the conductor (Mr. Muhlenkamp) punched our tickets so we could ride the Polar Express. Then the conductor read the book to us!
Donavin's Birthday
Christmas Program
Friday, December 11, 2009
Dec. 13-19 Newsletter
Mrs. Morgan’s Newsletter
Week of December 13-19
These are the skills we will be focusing on this week:
*We will be reading the story Seeds together and will focus on the comprehension skill of drawing conclusions.
*We will focus on the letter: Ff
*We will be able to read and spell the high-frequency words: they, you, of (These are attached to the newsletter. Please add these to your child’s word ring.)
*Our Amazing Words this week: seeds, pod, roots, stem, pit, sprouts
*We will continue our Christmas Around the World unit! This week we will learn about Christmas in Japan, Hannukah, and Kwanzaa. Our Christmas Around the World Trip will be Friday, December 18!
*Math: We will finish sorting and graphing unit. We will be taking our post-test over sorting and graphing on Wednesday. Please remember to review your sorting and graphing “I Can” statements.
News & Reminders:
*Winter Break: Deb. 21-Jan. 1 (Return to school Monday, Jan. 4.)
*Kindergarten-2nd grade Christmas Music Program: Thursday, Dec. 17 at 6:30pm. Students need to be in the cafeteria no late than 6:10pm. This will last about an hour.
*Kindergarten Winter Parties will be held Thursday, Dec. 17 from 1pm-2pm. We will be watching the movie How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
*Polar Express! On Thursday, Dec. 17, we will be reading the story and watching the movie The Polar Express. We will even take a ride on the Polar Express! (Our chairs will be lined up in the hallway, like a train. We will board the train and have our tickets punched by the conductor! Then the conductor will read the Polar Express to us!) Please wear your pajamas to school that day, just like the children in the book.
*Classroom Christmas Wish List – If you are able to donate any of the following items, it would be very much appreciated: yellow #2 pencils, small pink erasers that go on the ends of pencils, dry erase markers, small pieces of individually-wrapped candies. Thank you!
Have a great week,
Mrs. Morgan
Class Blog: