Friday, October 29, 2010


On Friday, we got to wear our costumes to school for our Halloween Party. Here we are, all dressed up:

Ryan the Pirate

Twin Dinosaurs trying to scare the photographer: Mitchell and Dalton

Julie, Shelvie, Ryan, Miles, and Kaden all got 100% on their spelling tests on Friday!

Mitchell also got 100% on his spelling test. Here he is taking a break from the test to smile for the camera.

Wolverine....I mean, Trinton....took a break from his spelling test to pose for the camera. He also got 100% on his spelling test. Way to go guys!

Check out the link below to read "The Little Orange House". Mrs. Morgan read the story to us today and we cut our orange piece of paper like the story said. The story is about a little witch who finds an orange piece of paper. She decides to make a warm house for winter. She folds it in half, makes a roof, a door, and a window. Before the little witch goes inside, she meets a little ghost. The ghost needs somewhere to live for winter too, so the little witch invites the ghost to live with her. So next, she cuts a smaller door for the little ghost. At the end of the story, the students were instructed to open up the house to see what's inside. And SURPRISE! They find a giant orange jack-o-lantern!

Shelvie works on decorating her pumpkin from Jackson's Orchard during the Halloween party.

Juan, Carmen, Regan, Julie, and James enjoy snacks at the Halloween Party.
Miles' mom leads a group of students in a fun storytime at our party.

Geraldi, Dalton, Zane, Dawson, and Miles munch on their snacks.

Elliott shows off her pumpkin.

Kaylee worked hard on her pumpkin.

Kaden and his grandma

Julie finished her pumpkin craft. Thanks, Mrs. Johnson, for leading this craft!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Jackson's Orchard!!!

We went to Jackson's Orchard on October 27! Check out a TON of pictures below.
Juan and Ryan go down the 60 foot slides.

Dominick driving the "tractor" on the playground.

Zane & Malachi




Dawson is on top of the world.

Jacob, Zane, and Blake

Malachi & Mitchell


Playing on the tires...

Mrs. Phelps, Mrs. Vibbert, and Mrs. Morgan are having a race down the slides. Did Mrs. Phelps get a head-start??

Mitchell is having fun on the slide.

Geraldi in the hay bale playground.

Julie and her new friend.

Jacob with his new buddy

Kaden and Ryan: Best Buddies

Juan and Zane

Sweet Girls: Regan, Julie, and Elliott

Lost in the Corn Maze!!!

Nevermind...we made it out safely!

Mrs. Phelps (our Kindergarten Special Education teacher), Dominick, and James

Zane poses with the John Deere tractor

Ryan and Elliott on the hayride

Kaylee shows off her pumpkin.

Malachi found a perfect pumpkin!

Miles & Trinton search for the perfect pumpkin.

Trinton and Julie show off their pumpkins on the hayride.

Fire Department Visit

The Glasgow Fire Department came to visit us on Tuesday! They taught us about smoke alarms, stop drop & roll, and 911. We got to take a close look at the fire truck and take a trip through the smoke house. Inside the smoke house, students were taught how to get low to the ground, escape from the house, and meet at a safe spot.
Here is Ryan about to get out of the smoke house.

Jacob escaping the smoke house.

Sparky poses with some of our students.

Dawson makes his way down the escape ladder.

Julie is on her way down.

Miles knows just what to do.
Miles and Trinton wait for their turn to go down the ladder.

Kaden is about to head to our safe spot.

Our class waiting patiently to go into the smoke house.

Here we are in front of the fire truck!

The firefighter shows us the oxygen tanks in the fire truck.

This firefighter is showing us what he will look like wearing all of his gear. He still still has a lot more to put on. He wanted to make sure none of the students were afraid of the way he looked.

Juan gets a big hug from Sparky.