Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fire Department Visit

The Glasgow Fire Department came to visit us on Tuesday! They taught us about smoke alarms, stop drop & roll, and 911. We got to take a close look at the fire truck and take a trip through the smoke house. Inside the smoke house, students were taught how to get low to the ground, escape from the house, and meet at a safe spot.
Here is Ryan about to get out of the smoke house.

Jacob escaping the smoke house.

Sparky poses with some of our students.

Dawson makes his way down the escape ladder.

Julie is on her way down.

Miles knows just what to do.
Miles and Trinton wait for their turn to go down the ladder.

Kaden is about to head to our safe spot.

Our class waiting patiently to go into the smoke house.

Here we are in front of the fire truck!

The firefighter shows us the oxygen tanks in the fire truck.

This firefighter is showing us what he will look like wearing all of his gear. He still still has a lot more to put on. He wanted to make sure none of the students were afraid of the way he looked.

Juan gets a big hug from Sparky.