Tuesday, January 31, 2012

100th Day of School

We celebrated the 100th day of school on January 27. We did lots and lots of activities with the number 100.

Below, are pictures of our class guessing how far down the hallway Mrs. Morgan could walk in 100 steps. We put our names on post-it notes, took turns walking down the hallway, and placed the post-its where we thought 100 steps would end. Then we tested our predictions. As Mrs. Morgan walked down the hallway, we counted each step until she reached 100 steps!

Jacob's post-it note was just a few feet from where Mrs. Morgan's 100 steps ended! He had the closest guess. Way to go, Jacob!!!

We also saw how many times we could write our name in 100 seconds.

Out of the whole class, Abbey wrote her name the most in 100 seconds!