Saturday, April 30, 2011

T. J. Samson Service Learning Project

Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. Phelps, and Mrs. Vibbert's reading class visited the T. J. Samson Nursery on Friday for a service learning project. This project started in December, when our reading class read several books about babies. The students were very interested in the subject of babies and how they grow and change. We decided to write a book that was written to a brand new baby. Each child told "the baby" how they would change as they grew and then draw a picture about it. Mrs. Morgan used to create a hardcover book (pictured above) that included the students' words and drawings as well as the students' baby pictures. Barren County Community Education provided a grant to have these books printed. Each student received their very own copy of the book and the reminding 25 books were presented to the nurses at the T. J. Samson Nursery. These books will be given to the next 25 new parents that give birth at T. J. Hopefully, the books will be a special keepsake for all those involved for many years to come!

Nurse Kinslow gives us each a coloring book about babies!

Nurse Kinslow shows us a delivery room.

We got to check out the fish tank in Pediatrics.

Here we are checking out a bed in one of the pediatric rooms.

We got to see the special rooms that kids stay in when they are admitted to the hospital.

Here we are taking a tour of the hospital.

Carmen is presenting our books to two of the T.J. nurses.

Here we are looking at the newborns through the nursery window.

We got to see a brand new baby!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Testing Buddies

Our class has been visiting Mrs. Crain's 3rd grade class this and last week. We are their "testing buddies". We write letters and bring treats to support and encourage our 3rd grade buddies during these stressful testing weeks. We LOVE our testing buddies! Check out pictures of us with our buddies below.

Egg Hunt!

The rainy weather spoiled our egg hunt plans for our spring party, however Mrs. Crain's 3rd grade class pulled through for us! These 3rd graders are our testing buddies. (We write letters to support and encourage them during KCCT testing.) They hid our eggs in their room and then helped us find and count them. Thank you, Mrs. Crain!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Chaney's Dairy Farm Field Trip!

We had a blast on our field trip to Chaney's Dairy Farm in Bowling Green on Tuesday! We went on a hayride to the farm, got to watch a cow being milked, pet a calf, eat ice cream, and play on the playground. Check out our pictures below.

Bus ride TO Chaney's...

Bus ride FROM Chaney's.... (We were exhausted!)

Our class inside Chaney's Dairy Barn restaurant.

Regan's Pa was lots of fun!


Carmen going down the BIG slide!

Chaney's ice cream is delicious!!!

Geraldi with the baby calves in the background.

Kaden thought the calf looked like Bambi!

Awwww! How cute!

Petting Miss Glimmer, the cow.

Watching Miss Glimmer get milked.


Mrs. Phelps and Dominick