Thursday, December 20, 2012

All Aboard the Polar Express

This week, we read The Polar Express. On Tuesday, we watched the movie and then took our own trip on the Polar Express.  We heard a whistle blow and someone shouting, "All Aboard!"  We ran to the classroom door to find a conductor waiting to punch our train tickets.  We boarded the "train" in the hallway where the conductor read The Polar Express to us. The illustrations from the book were projected onto a screen at the front of the train.



Monday, December 17, 2012


We have been learning all about measurement the past two weeks. Here we are trying to figure out which window is larger. Emma's window is wider but Andrew's winder is taller. So which one is it? We used 1 inch tiles to figure it out. (The kids didn't even know it, but they were learning early skills for figuring the area of a surface.)

M&M graphing

When learning how to sort and graph, we got to graph m&m's! The best part was that we got to eat them when we were finished graphing!

Thanksgiving Facts

The weeks prior to Thanksgiving, we read several non-fiction books about Thanksgiving. The class really got into the history of the first Thanksgiving. We asked the 5th grade social studies teacher, Mrs. Howard, to come visit and try to "stump" us with some Thanksgiving trivia. She was blown away with our knowledge. Her favorite answer was given after she asked why the pilgrims wanted to come to America. Sweet little Malayla answered, "because the king of England was bossy!" So true!

Thanksgiving Lunch

Yes, this post is about a month late. However, here are some pictures our little Native Americans and Pilgrims during Highland's Thanksgiving lunch. Our wonderful cafeteria staff served over 1,000 lunches on this day!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas Program

The Kindergarten Christmas program was Thursday night.  The kids did a great job!