Monday, September 13, 2010

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Yes they do come up with some funny things. Here are some recent quotes sure to make you laugh, straight from the mouths of the students in your child's classroom:
Miles: "I know how to write the number 500. I also know that 1,000 is a 1 and a zero and a zero and another zero. My dad taught me."
Mrs. Morgan: "Here's how you write the number 5,000. Now you can go home and tell dad how to write it."
Miles: "Well I think my dad probably already knows how to write the number 5,000."
Mitchell: "Mrs. Morgan, you should NEVER talk to strangers or clowns!"
Dawson: "My shoe is untied."
Mrs. Morgan: "What do you want me to do about it?" (joking)
Dawson: "Well you're the one who knows how to tie shoes, not me!"