Friday, May 3, 2013

Derby Day

To kick off testing week, students celebrated with Kentucky Derby events all day today. In the morning, we learned all about the Kentucky Derby. We each drew a Derby horse that we would cheer on during Saturday's race and then learned more about our chosen racehorse on the Kentucky Derby's website. We made stick horses, thanks to a huge donation of yardsticks from Fords Furniture! Our class had a stick horse race at the high school. Kellon and Nina were our top two racers. After the other three kindergarten classes raced, Kellon and Nina raced against the other top two racers from each kindergarten class. Cynthia, from Miss Nikkia's class, won the overall race and was awarded a garland of red roses.

After our stick horse race, we got to take turns riding real horses brought by Ms. Saltsman. Some of us had never ridden a horse before. This was an awesome experience. We also got to jump in a bouncy house and go down an inflatable slide.